Source code for

Classes to represent a Gerrit code review and its patch sets

Typically, objects of these classes are created by executing
Query operations. There is little obvious use for a bare Review
or Patchset object.

Both classes override __getattr__ to provide acees to the underling
raw JSON. Thus, instead of::

    ref = somepatchset.raw['ref']

one can simply do::

    ref = somepatchset.ref

It also obviates the need to declare many properties that simply
return a field, without needing any manipulation.

However, some properties such as the patchset number, are defined
as explicit properties to allow conversion to a more natural type.

As a note for contributors, it might seem to make sense to move
these classes into the `query` module. But it is not difficult to
envisage other modules which operate solely on collections of
Review or Patchset objects, and do not themselves need to be
coupled to the `gerritsite` or `query` modules.

Safe for: from review import *


import datetime as dt

try:  # pragma: no cover
    import urllib.parse as urlp  # Python 3
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    import urlparse as urlp  # Python 2

[docs]class Patchset(object): ''' A single patch set within a GerritReview :param review: The enclosing Review object :param raw: The raw JSON extracted from the Review details :raises: TypeError if review is not a Review object, or if raw is not a dictionary. Other than in initialization, this class is meant to be read-only so all instance variables are declared with double leading underscores and provided as properties with getters only. A library user is not expected to create instances of this class directly. They are created as part of a Review object when processing a response from Gerrit. ''' def __init__(self, review, raw): if not isinstance(review, Review): raise TypeError('review must be of type gerritssh.Review') if not isinstance(raw, dict): raise TypeError('raw value must be a dict') self.__parent_review = review self.__raw = raw def __getattr__(self, name): ''' Allows direct and easy access to elements in the raw JSON representation of the patch set. :param name: The key to be returned :raises: AttributeError if `name` is not a key in the raw JSON. ''' try: return self.__dict__[name] except KeyError: if self.__raw and name in self.__raw: return self.__raw[name] else: raise AttributeError @property
[docs] def raw(self): ''' The raw JSON returned from Gerrit :returns: (dict) The keys and values returned from Gerrit. ''' return self.__raw
[docs] def author(self): ''' Author of the Patchset :returns: (str) The uploader's name if available, else their user name. ''' owner = self.raw['uploader'] return owner['name'] if 'name' in owner else owner['username']
[docs] def created_on(self): ''' When was the Patchset created :returns: (`datetime`) The date and time the patchset was created ''' return dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.raw['createdOn'])
[docs] def number(self): ''' The patchset number as an integer rather than a string ''' return int(self.raw['number'])
[docs]class Review(object): ''' A single code review, containing all patchsets :param raw: A dict() representing the raw JSON response from Gerrit :raises: TypeError if raw is not a dictionary Other than in initialization, this class is meant to be read-only so all instance variables are declared with double leading underscores and provided as properties with getters only ''' def __init__(self, raw): if not isinstance(raw, dict): raise TypeError('raw must be a dictionary') self.__raw = raw self.__patchsets = {} self.__host = urlp.urlsplit(self.url).netloc if 'patchSets' in self.raw: for p in self.raw['patchSets']: ps = Patchset(self, p) self.__patchsets[ps.number] = ps # The JSON for the current patch set may contain more information # than is returned in the patchSets object if 'currentPatchSet' in self.raw: cps = Patchset(self, self.raw['currentPatchSet']) self.__patchsets[cps.number] = cps self.__highestPatchSetNumber = max(self.patchsets.keys()) def __getattr__(self, name): ''' Allows direct and easy access to elements in the raw JSON representation of the patch set. :param name: The key to be returned :raises: AttributeError if `name` is not a key in the raw JSON. ''' try: return self.__dict__[name] except KeyError: if self.__raw and name in self.__raw: return self.__raw[name] else: raise AttributeError @property
[docs] def host(self): ''' The Gerrit host name, e.g. ''' return self.__host
[docs] def patchsets(self): ''' List of Patch sets for this Review ''' return self.__patchsets
[docs] def highest_patchset_number(self): ''' Number of the latest Patch set in the Review ''' return self.__highestPatchSetNumber
[docs] def highest_patchset(self): ''' The Patchset object for the current patch set ''' return self.patchsets[self.highest_patchset_number]
[docs] def author(self): ''' Author of the review. ''' owner = self.__raw['owner'] return owner['name'] if 'name' in owner else owner['username']
[docs] def created_on(self): ''' When the review was created ''' return dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.__raw['createdOn'])
[docs] def merged(self): ''' Has the change been merged ''' return self.raw['status'] == 'MERGED'
[docs] def merged_on(self): ''' When was the review merged. :returns: None if not merged ''' return self.last_updated_on if self.merged else None
[docs] def last_updated_on(self): ''' When was the review last updated ''' return dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.raw['lastUpdated'])
[docs] def age(self): ''' How old is the review as a timedelta ''' return (self.last_updated_on - self.created_on if self.last_updated_on > self.created_on else dt.timedelta(0, 0))
[docs] def raw(self): ''' The raw JSON received from Gerrit ''' return self.__raw
[docs] def summary(self): ''' Summary line of the commit message ''' return self.raw['subject']
[docs] def SHA1(self): # noqa - Inhibit lowercase naming warning ''' SHA1 for the latest Patchset ''' return self.raw['currentPatchSet']['revision']
[docs] def repo_name(self): ''' The name of the repository (including folders) ''' return self.raw['project']
[docs] def number(self): ''' The review number a an integer ''' return int(self.raw['number'])
[docs] def ref(self): ''' The REF string for the review (REFS/CHANGES/...) ''' return self.highest_patchset.ref
__all__ = ['Review', 'Patchset']